Ways to Keep Your Dog Comfortable in the Fall Weather

Ways to Keep Your Dog Comfortable in the Fall Weather

Fall is a great time to get out with your dog! The air is filled with the smell of changing leaves, there are fewer bugs and it’s not too hot or humid. But for some dogs, the cooler weather and shorter daylight hours can lead to stress and anxiety. Many dogs struggle with the same anxieties that humans experience in the fall — things like changes in daily routines, less human interaction and more time spent indoors. This blog will give you helpful tips on how you can make your dog’s autumn that much better!

Exercising During Fall

All dogs need exercise, but it’s even more important for dogs who are experiencing anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins that help to relieve anxiety and stress. It’s a great way to tire your dog out so he can relax and rest without experiencing any unwanted anxiety while inside. It’s important to choose the right types of exercise during fall. If you choose to go on long walks, be considerate of the fact that your dog may get cold easily. If you exercise your dog indoors, make sure to choose activities that are interactive and mentally stimulating.

Don’t forget the treats

Dogs love treats, and there are lots of great options available out there. You can use them to help with seasonal anxiety, especially if your dog gets anxious in the fall. Autumn is a great time to use pumpkin in treats. Pumpkin has many health benefits and is great for helping to relieve and prevent digestive issues. Try combining it with peanut butter for a tasty treat that’s good for your dog’s tummy. If a dog is especially anxious, treats can be helpful for keeping them occupied during times when they need to be left alone.

Try a New Food

Like people, some dogs experience a change in their appetite during the fall. If you notice that your dog is eating less, try a new food. There are lots of great options out there that are specifically formulated with high-quality ingredients to help support your dog’s immune system and digestive health. If your dog is eating less but has no other symptoms, try a new food. You can also add a bit of warm water to your dog’s food to encourage him to eat more. If your dog has a change in appetite that comes with other symptoms, like vomiting or diarrhea, make an appointment with your veterinarian to make sure your dog is okay.

Provide Natural Light and Fresh Air

Dogs have a natural circadian rhythm just like humans. In the fall, that rhythm is likely to shift, which can cause dogs to feel anxious and lethargic. Try to provide your dog with natural light and fresh air as much as possible. If you can’t open up your windows, consider purchasing artificial plants that emit light. You can also open up your dog’s space to allow for more airflow. If you have a dog bed, try moving it to a corner of your room so it’s not blocking any windows. If you have a dog crate, make sure to open the front panel so your dog can get plenty of airflow and light.


Now that you know how to care for your dog during the fall, it’s time to get outside and enjoy the weather! Just remember to keep an eye on the forecast to make sure it’s not too cold or hot for your pup. And if you ever notice that your dog is struggling with seasonal anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian.

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